هوية المصطلح المقاصدي

معالمها وأبعادها


  • الميلودي خطاب ثانوية العربي الدغمي التأهيلية تمارة




maqasid terminology, identity of the maqasid terminology, maqasid al-shari’ah, origins, dimensions


This research paper deals with a topic that is characterized by innovation and difficulty at the same time. It explores the definition and roots of maqasid terminology, the basis of its implementation, and the methods for tracing its formulation and origins among scholars. The paper also delves into the dimensions of maqasid terminology and its various impacts. This article blends the descriptive, inductive, and analytical approaches. The paper deduces that maqasid terminology has some distinguished features and characteristics and that its implementation and conceptual demystification are critical. This is due to its salient traits and the repercussions that come with it at the level of Shari’ah rulings that extend to religious practices and worship. Therefore, if the maqasid terminology is not well-regulated, it will be detrimental to the Islamic Shari’ah and its purposes.


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How to Cite

خطاب E. M. (2024). هوية المصطلح المقاصدي : معالمها وأبعادها. Journal of Contemporary Maqasid Studies, 3(2), 117–138. https://doi.org/10.52100/jcms.v3i2.124


