The Maqasid Project in the International Institute of Islamic Thought

Reading and Evaluation


  • Hasan Shahid Abd Al-Malik al-Sa’di University



International Institute, method, objectives, Islamic knowledge, integration


This paper investigates the presence of the maqasid-based approach in the scientific project of the International Institute of Islamic Thought, in its manifestations, especially at the level of its written publications and works within maqasid thought or its integration with other disciplines. Accordingly, this paper strives to trace the fragments of the IIIT’s maqasid project, collect and rearrange it, and bring it closer to the reader, through induction, the aim of which is to scrutinize the position of maqasid in the thought of the Institute and to review and evaluate its project. To achieve this, the paper proposes a structure of two sections: the first is the foundational historical examination of the position of maqasid in the Institute’s philosophy, which includes two subsections, namely, the emergence of the International Institute, its purpose and philosophy, and the position of the maqasid within the vision of the Institute. The second section: is a teleological functional analysis of the manifestations of the maqasid and its dimensions. This is realized through five subsections, the first of which is in the theoretical dimension, the second is in the originating dimension, the third is in the activation dimension, the fourth is in the evaluative dimension, and the fifth is in the integrative dimension.


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How to Cite

Shahid, H. . (2024). The Maqasid Project in the International Institute of Islamic Thought: Reading and Evaluation. Journal of Contemporary Maqasid Studies, 3(1), 1–34.


