Crowded Values and the Mastry of Maqasid Theory
congestion of values, rules for solving value congestion, maqasid theory, the essentialsAbstract
The Islamic Shari’ah is a value-based composition of meanings, features, and purposes that may seem crowded and congested. One of the most important tasks of the jurist is to constantly seek the answer to three questions: first, what is the origin of crowding and congestion? Second, are there possibilities and potentials to reconcile between what appears congested and crowded in the jurist’s thought and in his reality? Third, how can a jurist resort to giving preponderance if he is unable to cohere the combination of conflicted opinions? These questions that the jurist must answer on the basis of a maqasid-based approach to understand the origin of the congestion of values and to cohere between congested and crowded values, and to coalesce what appears between the values of conflict, contradiction, or opposition.References
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