Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023)
The Holy Qur'ān, which is the foundation of the Arab-Islamic culture, has paved the way for the production of several clusters of knowledge and sciences throughout the history of Islam. Ilm al-Tafsīr (the science of exegesis) was among the most prominent Islamic sciences that aimed at interpreting the Qur’ānic discourse from various approaches. The commentaries were to some degree influenced by the formation of mufassirīn (scholars of exegesis), contextual challenges, and the aspirations to keep pace with the new occurrences of their times.
However, the different commentaries of the Qur’ān have yet to reach an integrated conception of the fundamentals of tafsīr as a methodological framework that structures and guides the process of exegesis. This framework should implement a holistic and integrative approach that incorporates the sciences of tafsir and the methodological and epistemological Islamic sciences.
Hence, the Third Issue of the Journal of Contemporary Maqasid Studies attempts to lay out the theoretical and structural elements of the fundamentals of tafsīr in a contemporary context by investigating the following questions:
How can we develop a constructively critical approach to the opinions of the classical scholars of tafsir and their methodologies to reactivate the hegemony of the Qur'ān?
What are the features of the network system in the fundamentals of tafsīr that formulate the epistemological and conceptual perception of history, reality, and the future?
How can we achieve interconnectivity between the fundamentals of tafsīr and the sunnah to develop a comprehensive worldview for exegesis?
To what extent can the maqasid methodology contribute to activating the hegemony of the revelation and the Qur’ānic objectives in contemporary exegesis?
Link to download full issue: JCMS V2N1 2023
The Journal of Contemporary Maqasid Studies is an international refereed scholarly journal published by the Maqasid Institute journal.maqasid.org ISSN 2831-5049
Table of Content
Table of Content
Opening Remarks
Investigating and Interpreting the Qur'an Methodological Questions
بين التفسير والتثوير تساؤلات منهجية
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The Fundamentals (Usul) of Maqasidi Tafsir An Investigation of the Concept and its Applications in the Views of Early and Modern-day Scholars
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Maqasid-based Tafsir of the Holy Qur’an between Activation and Disruption
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Analysis of Environmental Sustainability in the Holy Quran: Maqasid Framework
Maqasidi Approach and its Impact on the Science of Principles of Tafsir in the Thought of Imam al-Shafi’ie
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Book Review
Book Review: Al-Ta’sis al-Itimani li ‘Ilm al-Maqasid
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The Role of Context in Interpreting and Translating the Qur’an
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Scholarly Conversation
Interview with Jasser Auda
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