Maqasidi Approach and its Impact on the Science of Principles of Tafsir in the Thought of Imam al-Shafi’ie


  • Driss Rouiba Moulay Ismail University



purposeful consideration, maqasid of the Qur’an, rooting, the science of the fundamentals of tafsir, interpretation, al-Rissalah


This study aims to shed some light on the contribution of Imam al-Shafi’ie to founding the science of the fundamentals of tafsir and channelling its related scientific issues in accordance with the maqasid perspective through his book entitled “al-Rissalah”. To attain this objective, the research intends to elucidate the concept of purposeful consideration and emphasize its importance in inculcating the science of fundamentals of tafsir, in addition to piloting the understanding of the meanings of Qur’anic verses. This paper also attempts to approach the centrality of purposefulness in originating the science of fundamentals of tafsir in “al-Rissalah” of al-Shafi’ie which represents a core pillar in the fundamentals of tafsir. To put more emphasis on the hegemony of purposefulness in guiding the understanding and giving meaning to thought and speech, the researcher intends to uncover some uses of purposeful consideration by Imam al-Shafi’ie that support its authority in the Qur’an by providing examples from the tafsir of the author of “al-Rissalah”.


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How to Cite

Rouiba, D. (2023). Maqasidi Approach and its Impact on the Science of Principles of Tafsir in the Thought of Imam al-Shafi’ie. Journal of Contemporary Maqasid Studies, 2(1), 95–110.


