قيم الفضل في الأسرة ومقصد تأسيس العمران


  • Farid Chokri Hasan II University, Casablanca




values, virtue, familiy, Islam, Umran, maqasid


The family represents one of the most important foundations on which societies are built, as it represents the psychological and social space in which the individual is initially created, and qualified to disperse throughout society and exercise his role in establishing closeness and harmony between man and universe which is called umran. Therefore, Islam exerts great emphasis on the family and considers it one of the most important issues that the Qur’an accompanies with several concepts, values, and worldviews. The examiner of the Qur’anic view must note that the Qur’an deals with the subject of the family within an objective-oriented framework based on establishing the umran. Therefore, it can be said that the purpose of establishing the family and giving it a moral framework has an umranic objective in the light of the Qur’an and its guidance.  This article emphasises the importance of the family in Islam as a means and the essence of umran and it highlights the role of the Qur’anic values of virtue and grace in regulating the family and establishing umran. This article also decentralizes the contractual aspect such as in the value of ‘adl (justice) and centralizes the aspect of tarahum (compassion) such as the value of virtue, grace, and bounteousness as founding constituents for the family and umran to protect people from committing injustices and ensuring the continuity and stability of the familial and human umran at large.


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How to Cite

Chokri, F. (2024). قيم الفضل في الأسرة ومقصد تأسيس العمران. Journal of Contemporary Maqasid Studies, 3(2), 1–18. https://doi.org/10.52100/jcms.v3i2.143


