مقاصد المواثيق في الإسلام

تحليل محتوى لمفاهيم العهد والميثاق في القرآن الكريم


  • Halim Rane Griffith University
  • Mawloud Mohadi Institute for Religious and Socio-Political Studies




Prophet Muhammad, sunnah, Islamic thought, interrelogious relation, peace, security, jihad, Islamic education, sharia law


The concept of covenant occupies a central place in the Qur’an but has been understudied and underrepresented in discourses about Islam. This article contributes to redressing this lacuna by applying the method of content analysis to the Qur’an, specifically, the terms ‘ahd and mithaq that refer to the concept of covenant. The aim of this article is to identify the maqasid (higher objectives) of covenants in Islam and discuss their implications for education about Islam and contemporary Islamic thought. This content analysis finds that covenants in the Qur’an provide an overarching paradigm governing human existence and coexistence across six covenantal relationship categories. Covenants establish the terms and conditions of God-human and intra-human relations for human existence on Earth in relation to the afterlife, the dissemination of the divine message, the promotion of righteousness, welfare and wellbeing, and restricting the use of armed force to self-defence in response to treaty violation for preserving peace and security. This article recommends that the study of Qur’anic covenantal knowledge ought to be integrated into courses and discourses about Islam commensurate, with its centrality in the Qur’an and Prophet Muhammad’s approach to building peaceful interreligious relations between Muslims and non-Muslims.


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How to Cite

Rane, H., & Mohadi, M. (2024). مقاصد المواثيق في الإسلام: تحليل محتوى لمفاهيم العهد والميثاق في القرآن الكريم. Journal of Contemporary Maqasid Studies, 3(2), 185–228. https://doi.org/10.52100/jcms.v3i2.147


